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Client Testimonials

Laurel F.

I highly recommend Ross as a life coach.


For several years, Ross and I knew each on a professional basis. Ross was highly competent, intelligent IT security professional at Northwestern Medicine, where I was also employed. Ross was always my “go-to” person as he could make very complex topics understandable to those of us do not speak ‘tech language.’ He was always calm and put people at ease, and I found him to be a person of integrity and compassion. When Ross retired and shared that he was pursuing a career in life coaching, I immediately thought, “What a great fit for him!”

Little did I know that, in a few short months, I would find myself engaging Ross as my own life coach. Over several months, Ross helped me clarify my short-, mid- and long-term life goals and supported me in my transition to new employment.


As a life coach, Ross asked insightful questions that tested my own assumptions and analysis in setting goals and developing plans to achieve those goals. He was very organized and held me accountable to the action steps that we identified during our sessions. Importantly, the life coaching sessions added a structure to a topic that can easily run adrift. I was so impressed with Ross that, even though I am moving on in my career, I have further engaged Ross for periodic check-in points.


Todd M.

In just six sessions, Ross provided me some key life and career guidance that I wouldn’t have figured out on my own. He used several tools from his life-coach toolbox (Mandala, Myers-Briggs, etc.) and yet fundamentally his approach was to listen in order to understand who I am and then provide guidance based on that understanding.


He was able to see a pattern in how I approached different work assignments over the years, as well some key characteristics of accomplishments I valued, which gave me new self-knowledge.


He also offered different models for how I might envision my future path. I wrote up notes after every session and continue to refer to them two years later. My time with Ross was well worth it, and I highly recommend him as a life-coach. 



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