google-site-verification=z4a4PrjvO2Z8cbgf7dnKRsvB_XJ13LdiAaB21lBoo5g Life Coaching | FlourishingSelf | United States
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Partner with a seasoned professional, teacher, and creative to transform, grow, and flourish 

What is coaching?

  • A partnership of equals to promote change and your journey towards your best self in life, relationship, or calling.


  • Unlike  consulting, mentoring, or therapy,   in coaching  you are the expert in your own life, knowing best how to meet your own needs,  harness your own resources, to realize your own goals. 


  • You bring your open mind and motivation and commitment to be accountable to your goals; the coach brings supportive,  gentle inquiry to assist you in drawing out your strengths, resources, and solutions.


What to expect

  • Initial, complementary thirty minute coaching consultation.


  • Forty-five  minute session to co-design the Coaching Alliance, a partnership with specific goal(s) and plans.


  • 6-8 forty-five minute follow up coaching sessions by phone or on-line to discuss  progress, identify and address obstacles, adjust plans, stay on track.


  • Referral to on-line and hard copy supporting resources: articles, books, assessments, tools.


  • Email support between calls

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