Life, Career, & Creativity Coaching
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Greek philosopher. Espoused the principle to "Know Thyself". Introduced the "Socratic method" to critically question and evaluate our beliefs and assumptions.
Greek philosopher. Author of the Ethics, the first handbook for how to achieve one's best self.
American philosopher. Seminal contributor to the philosophy of pragmatism.
German psychologist. Founder of Individual Psychology. Posited that human behavior is not only pushed by urges but also drawn to goals.
American psychologist. Posited that human behavior is understood best as a striving for self-actualization.
American philosopher. Co-founder of "capabilities approach" theory of economics. Proponent of an ethics that promotes the dignity and value of every human being.
American business consultant and playwright. Co- founder of the Center for Effective Communication. Creator of LaSalle Street Management Theater and Powersuasion Players. Personal friend and mentor.
Social psychologist and seminal investigator into origins and sustenance of creativity. Introduced concepts of optimal experience and "flow".
American psychologist. Seminal contributor to positive psychology, especially in understanding the role and purpose of the positive emotions, including love and gratitude.